Wednesday, June 12, 2013

College is Fun?

I realized recently that being a college student is rough stuff. I am one, so I would know. The work is just dumb sometimes and the people are dumber. And I wish there was an option of just putting your head down, plowing through, and getting it done. People say you can do that, but let's be serious. That's not true.

So this is for people trying to survive college like me. Right now it's summer break, I'm not taking any classes, so it's a good time to get the blog rolling. I would also love for people who have been through college and graduated... and successfully survived, to read this and comment and give advice.

Sit back and remember, you can do this. It's gonna be rough at times, it's gonna be bumpy, it's gonna be straight up ridiculous too. But I'm right there with you, and I get it, and I'm just putting it out there that I'm sorry that we all have to do this. However, once we're out we're probably going to have more to deal with, and sadly work a lot. So maybe enjoy the ride too?


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